環保強力冷風機 |
天然氣 (亞洲)
, 但早在十年前開拓環保市場 , 研製出一台既節能又省電的環保
, 分銷商遍佈中國內地、東南亞及世界各地。
Environmental Air Cooler
Provides fresh,cool and comfortable environment.
Environmental Air Cooler is a high-tech product designed by scientists from
Australia and America through years of dedicated research and tests.It employs"Direct
Evaporating"cooling technology instead of CFC which damage our environment as
worldwide research supported thus . Environmental Air Cooler is highly
environmental friendly, After filtering and cooling Environmental
Air Cooler
deliver a large amount of fresh and cool air continuously while drive out odorous,dusty,muddy and stuffy air.
Environmental Air Cooler provides
ventilating and cooling at the same time;it will let you rdgain a sense of freshness and
coolness, just like besides a water-fall,even in hot and humidity condition.
Main features:
* High capacity of ventilation.Make air cool,clean and fresh.
(Effective area 100m2-150mm2,modes KLF-18)
* Low energy consumption and long life.(1.1KW/H,modes OEM-18)
* Would be in open and semi-closed environment.
* Employs sophisticated electronic controller,auto cleaning and water feeding.
* Multi-usage:
High temperature working environment,e.g.textile,rinsing,garment,chemistry,rubber,plastic
injection,printing,glass,metallurgy,food processing,mechanical industry and washing room
* Large or middle scale super marker,canteen,kitchen,school,hospital,waiting hall and
indoor/outdoor entertainment park.
* Area with polluted air odorous and dusty air.
* Area already installed with traditional air-conditioner but with insufficient
ventilation or low oxygen content.